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Yep, that's me. I set up Post Pals aged 18 and run it from my iPad. Post Pals encourages members of the public to send cards, letters and gifts to seriously ill children. We do lots of other things too though including an annual party (which is where the raffle from this entry was held). Not being a big charity (no staff or funding) we have to stretch donations and the £30 from Money Supermarket is no exception. I am spending it on the following;
5 year old Aiden has Leukaemia, he also has Downs Syndrome which makes treating cancer even harder. This month he is finishing 2 and half years of DAILY chemotherapy, he has a mixture of oral, IV and even chemo pushed direct into his spine. Finishing chemo is a huge landmark and something to be celebrated so I am spending the first £7 having a T-shirt printed with this drawing done (for free) by a talented friend called Helen on it.
Next I am using £20 to send cards. If I went to my local card shop a card would be around £3 and then a second class stamp is 50p bringing the total to £3.50 so I could make 5 children smile.
Instead I am buying £20 of credit with Funky Pigeon, as its pre pay they will give an extra £5 giving a total of £25 credit. Funky Pigeon have a great range of cards, my favourite is "Rotten Veg", all very funny featuring vegetables in various situations, even better I can add names to the front of the card. The Rotten Veg cards are £2.99. Once I have put one in the basket I will order a second straight away as if you buy 2 or more cards the postage becomes free, bringing it to £5.98. I've not finished stretching that credit though, Funky Pigeon often have 50% off codes, never order from websites without looking for discount codes! I am signed up to their news letter and often get sent codes, if I don't have one then I go to to find one. I've now sent 2 personalised cards (including postage ) for £2.99. That means I can send 8 cards, I am sending them to
Jessica and Jake (sadly their brother Adam died from cancer last week), Emily (she has Cystic Fibrosis and was good friends with Lizzie who was also a member of Post Pals but died aged 14 last week from CF), Philip (he has SMA and is having surgery tomorrow), Ella (who needs a 2nd kidney transplant), Lewis (who has been in hospital for quite a few weeks), Sapphire (she has terminal cancer), Poppy (who has been through more than any other child or adult I've known) and Milly (has her own health struggles but also lost her sister Alice to cancer 6 months ago).
The last £3 I will use to buy stamps (from Costco as they give a discount) for the Dottie Project, click here to read about how Dottie Dalmatian brings comfort to children.
So tonight I will be ordering all these and in 3 days there will be lots of smiling children.
Thank you Money Supermarket!
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